Here we go again

Blogs are supposed to be fun and not tinged with guilt. Mine used to be that way. Now, although the promise of fun is still there, the guilt has arrived, because I haven’t written a blog since 2021 when our beagle Tillie died, and somehow I feel like I should.

I think the demise of my blog started when I learned to quilt, about five years ago. Despite being retired, my days are busy and I’m involved in a lot of things, so free time is limited. When I do have some, it’s the quilts that call to me more loudly than the keyboard.

I still see and hear blogs. When someone says something provoking, when animal antics amuse me, when my mind has been ruminating and wondering, I think, “I should write a blog.” And then I don’t.

Truthfully, part of the demise of this blog occurred when WordPress “improved” my platform while I was away for a while, and I couldn’t figure out how to make it work. That’s when it also ceased being fun. I’m not a computer dummy; I’ve been doing all sorts of things on the computer for a long time. But I’m not a tech geek; I don’t keep up with the terms and the latest developments and I don’t have the patience with it all to read about and learn the latest update. I don’t want it updated. I found something that worked and that’s the way I want it to stay. After all, it’s the words that are important, right?

So, I don’t have much hope for getting THIS blog posted. I’m writing it in Pages, and will copy and paste when I’m done, then head to my old, antiquated “2010” free platform, and see what happens. If I can’t figure it out, you’ll never know I wrote this. If I can, at least to some degree, you’ll laugh. You’ll laugh when you read it (I hope) and you’ll laugh when you see the skewed format that resulted in my not knowing how the heck the “improved” system works.

I’ve thought about just starting over. But then I might lose all the blogs I’ve already written–that deathless prose that sits there in cyberspace and probably doesn’t get much read. But it’s there, and I know where to find it even if no one else does.

The idea, of course, is to add to that list of blogs from time to time. If I can make the site work, I will. But I warn you: you’re apt to see quilts mentioned a lot.

I just finished this quilt for a raffle at our church. We live in a peninsula, so it’s perfect.

About Monica Sawyn

I'm a retired newspaper reporter/columnist, and although I still freelance, I miss the weekly column I used to write. I still "see columns" in everyday life and need a place to put them after they're written--thus, this blog. I'm Catholic, have been a Benedictine oblate since 1977, and live with my husband and our beagle in Sturgeon Bay, Wis. When I'm not writing, I'm probably reading, sewing, taking photos or walking the dog.
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8 Responses to Here we go again

  1. Megan van Rooyen says:

    Ha! Good to read from you again!

  2. blb1 says:

    Beautiful beautiful quilt! So glad to hear from you. I have never been able to figure out wordpress and I still post now and again at my life membership before xanga closed down.

  3. Monica Sawyn says:

    I think I finally figured it out, and some of the cha gems might even make it easier. It’s cha ged TWICE since I last posted. I’m glad
    you like the quilt!

  4. mgcuevas says:

    Beautiful quilt.
    I am with you on the why change something that works. I am in IT and still do not understand the changing things that work already.
    The other day I was thinking I had miss your posts. Just hoping you are well.
    Glad to read you. Greetings to you and George and the pup. 😀

    • Monica Sawyn says:

      It’s nice to be missed! I guess it was time to get back to it. George and I are both fine and enjoying life. Haven’t been doing as much photography, though. There are only so many hours in a day. 😄

      • mgcuevas says:

        I am just happy to see your posts. I still take pictures but not the way I use to. I am missing the water and Lake Michigan and the Superior, but I don’t miss the winter darkness. Now I kayak instead of much photography. 🙂
        Big hugs that way!!!

  5. Helene says:

    Glad you’re back. But, I surely understand what you mean about the techs stuff!

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